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Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

The World ARC fleet have left Panama and are heading to Galapagos Islands. This will be a an exceptional experience for the World ARC crews and there is no doubt how impressed they will be with the abundance and diversity of wildlife.

The Island's interesting volcanic geology, as well as its rich flora and fauna, have been admired and studied by numerous travelers, scientist, and nature-lovers for centuries. Scientist are still faced with a mystery how such a large diversity of species could develop in such a remote location like the Galapagos Islands.

One of the first to visit was Charles Darwin who was fascinated by the natural history of the archipelago. His five-week stay gave the impetus to the famous Theory of Evolution.

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno is the fleet's first port of call and is the capital of the Province of Galapagos. Baquerizo Moreno, also known as Wreck Bay, is located in the south of the Island of San Cristobal, 600 nautical miles to the west of the coast of the Republic of Ecuador.

The fleet will move to other registered ports but eventually visit Puerto Ayora. The human history of Santa Cruz is similar to that of the other inhabited islands of the archipelago. The islands were officially discovered on the 10th of March 1535 by the Bishop of Panama, Tomás de Berlanga. Almost 300 years later the Ecuadorian Government took possession of the islands. However the colonization of Santa Cruz is quite recent, probably due to the inhospitable conditions the island offered to its prospective inhabitants. An attempt to colonize Santa Cruz was made in 1932 by a group of Norwegians who established in the highlands. After this date, other settlers came from different parts of Ecuador as well as from Germany, England and Switzerland.

The Galapagos Islands are an interesting place and the World ARC fleet are looking forward to exploring them.

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