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Onboard Video of ARC Europe from Louanjo

Sailing with yacht 'Louanjo' on Leg 2 Bermuda - Azores
01 July 2010

These extracts are from one of the daily logs sent in by 'Louanjo' at sea and the mixture of this log book and watching the videos gives a real sense of what an Atlantic crossing can be like with ARC Europe.  The videos begin with the fantastic start in St. George's Bermuda and take you on the 1850NM passage to Horta in the Azores. Enjoy your time with the Argentinian crew onboard 'Louanjo' Alberto, Desiree & Martin... Watch the You Tube video diary here

"It´s May the 31st. We are now sailing with the Louanjo at 37 03N and 39 11W. The Louanjo is our mermaid of the sea. We laughed because we can not believe that only two nights ago we had winds of 50 knots or more and now, at this moment we only have 4! After the big storm of friday night we had the best dinner of our lives. I cooked with all my love for the three of us. And I beg Captain Alberto to open an excellent red wine. The Argentine red wine was a Bottle of Dante Robbino 2007.

The first toast and cheers of that bottle of red wine was PERFECT, was spectacular! Can you imagine the first toast, when the night before we couldn´t believe the huge waves behind us and the winds of 50 knots.  We couldn´t believe that we were alright and Louanjo was also in great conditions.

"Our sailing boat, F&C 44 a design of German Frers in 1982 (Argentine Designer) did a great, great job. That first toast we propose we knew we were like born again. We were laughing and very happy. We talked about our faces the night of the storm, and we were so happy that everything was perfect for us. Then we went to the cockpit to see the stars, there was an almost full moon shining perfect at the sea. Everything was fantastic for us.

Now we have winds of 4 knots but we are resting, even the dolphins, the birds and whales come to say hello to us again! We enjoy every moment in this wonderfull trip with all your company and ARC Europe company.

Thank you for all your help everyday!

See you in Azores,

Desiree Estevez Axelsen
Alberto Morelli
Martin Ferreyra"

Family of Louanjo welcoming them into Horta in the Azores.
Family welcoming Louanjo to Horta

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