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Why does the ARC start in November?

Why does the ARC start in November?
20 November 2010

Crossing the Atlantic from the Canaries to Saint Lucia usually allows boats make the most of the north east trade winds.  In the trade winds, around 15-20 knots is usual, often accompanied by squalls of rain with higher winds around dusk.  Boats following the rhumb line may not experience classic trade wind sailing, as their weather will be more dominated by the position of the Azores High.

November is a good time to leave, as by the time the boats arrive in the Caribbean, the hurricane season will be finished (the end date is taken to be 30 November).  The weather in Europe is starting to deteriorate, but the winter storms have not yet started, so boats can still usually get to the Canaries.

Watch the video to find out from ARC met-man Chris Tibbs why November is a good time to sail across the Atlantic.


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