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The Decision to Depart Early

The Decision to Depart Early
11 November 2012

Steve Black, the Caribbean 1500 rally founder, confirmed that 2012 is the first time in the event's history that it actually left the Chesapeake early.

Fall on the US East Coast is always a difficult time for weather forecasting, and this year was perhaps the best (or worst, depending on your perspective) example of that. The challenge in planning an offshore voyage this time of year is the tight window between hurricane season and the winter weather pattern. Insurance companies won't let most yachts south of Cape Hatteras before November 1 (and they probably wouldn't want to be there anyway), but the longer you wait, the greater the chances of running into a big nor'easter offshore.

In 2011, Hurricane Sean threw a monkey wrench in the program at Hampton, delaying departure by five days. It was the classic late-season Hurricane, odd only for the fact that it actually formed outside the tropics. Choas theory offers an interesting insight into ocean sailing in this case. In very basic terms, chaos theory is the idea that complex systems are inherently unpredictable, and furthermore, that the dynamic forces within those systems cause drastically different outcomes with almost indistinguishable differences in input. For example, take the factors that create weather - temperature, pressure, humidity, etc. A tiny increase in the decimal place of only one of those input parameters can lead to wildly different outcomes in the resultant weather system.

Hurricane Sean provided a perfect example of that in real life, illustrated through GRIB weather files. One of the coolest things about downloading GRIBs is that the computer automatically saves each download. They usually produces a forecast of seven days. Sure enough, the one downloaded the day Sean formed showed a hurricane. Chaos theory illustrated. (To make it even weirder, prior to Sean, the NE was given a Halloween dumping of snow - several yachts reported shoveling snow off their decks in Long Island Sound just to make the start on time. And then to be delayed by a tropical system…!?)

So what about this year? Sandy gave us our late season hurricane, that's for sure. It complicated matters for us in Hampton because about 8 of the yachts were hunkered down on the Chesapeake (mostly in Annapolis), and owners were worried about their houses flooding. Several crews flew out from Hampton to tend to their shoreside homes, only to find themselves stranded as far afield as Toronto after a bunch of flights got canceled. One yacht was safely moored in the Hudson when the storm hit. They escaped unscathed (the town of Haverstraw didn't), but they missed the start of the rally thanks to New York Harbor being closed to recreational traffic. They were literally stuck. But the fleet rallied (hehe) and made it to Hampton by Friday in time for the safety lecture and liferaft demonstration.

By Thursday evening it was apparent that another weather system was forming, this time looking more like the typical winter weather pattern. A nor'easter was forecast to brew over Georgia and offshore of South Carolina, moving NE and strengthening significantly. With quick plots on the GRIB map, marking points at 120-mile increments along the rhumb line (a conservative 5-knot daily average), we determined that the fleet, by leaving early, should be well enough south and east of the center of low pressure to avoid the worst of the weather. They'd have a short period of headwinds and squalls, but nothing too serious. And best case scenario, they'd get beam-reaching winds in the 20s halfway to Tortola.

Privately, we in the Rally Office were already contemplating an early departure by Thursday. If we missed this window, it looked to be at least five days until another one opened up, and even then, that was just a guess (remember that chaos theory?).

On Friday morning we started speaking privately to a few rally veterans and a few other yachts to gauge the feeling within the fleet. Rally vets Rick and Julie Palm, and Miles and Anne Poor agreed that now was the time to go, as did their own private weather routers and indeed the event forecasters at Weather Routing Inc. (WRI). By noon, during Davis Murray and Peter Burch's liferaft demo, we made the announcement that pending another look at the forecast on Saturday morning, we'd be giving the yachts the option to depart under a 'rolling start' as soon as they felt they were ready following the skipper's briefing and the issuing of the Yellowbrick GPS trackers. Everyone was enthusiastic. By Saturday morning it was official - we'd be leaving early, and the ARC Bahamas fleet would sail offshore to Beaufort and wait out the weather window there (the low was forecast to from directly over the Bahamas-fleet rhumb line on Tuesday).

The Skipper's Briefing was standing room only as usual, and we breezed over the starting line sequence thanks to the change in plans. Yachts in the fun-competitive Cruising Class would take their own times as they crossed the Bay Bridge Tunnel and headed into the Atlantic, the same point at which motoring hours would start to count against the World Cruising Club handicaps. The Gulfstream analysis was straightforward as well, the fleet looking to catch a favorable eddy once they cross it. We did a thorough analysis of the weather, issued the trackers and the event officially started. One day early.

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