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World ARC making a difference in Tanna

World ARC have visited the island of Tanna four times now and during those visits World ARC has developed a close relationship with the community of Port Resolution. It is very humbling and gratifying to see the positive difference the World Cruising Club and World ARC participants have made and continue to make, to this extremely remote community.

The people of Tanna lead enviably simply lives with strong traditional values and while the World ARC doesn’t want to change this, there are simple things we can do to make a positive difference. The World Cruising Club work closely with the village leaders and the headmaster of the Port Resolution School to ensure the contributions we make are appropriate and will benefit the community as a whole.

When World ARC first visited in 2008 with the support of participants a few small construction projects were started including the World ARC visitors bungalow at the Port Resolution Yacht Club (which overlooks the beautiful anchorage where the yachts stay). The idea behind this project was to provide the PRYC with accommodation they can use to generate a revenue stream from visitors staying at the PRYC. After the last World ARC stay, 20 university students from Australia were going to be staying at the PRYC which is wonderful for the community as revenue from the yacht club is invested directly into the community.

On more recent visits World ARC participants have supported projects in the local School. The most recently completed project is the new kindergarten building which Paul Tetlow opened on behalf of the World Cruising Club and past participants during the last visit. Funds for this project were first donated by participants of the World ARC in 2010 and it is absolutely wonderful to see the finished building in use and how much it is appreciated by kindergarten teacher Miriam and her enthusiastic students. A class full of smiles testimony to the results achieved here.

During our most recent visit with the kind contribution of the yachts we have raised funds for two additional projects. The first is the purchase of 112 new school uniforms (students in kindergarten through to year 6). The uniforms will be greatly appreciated as many families in the local village cannot otherwise afford the simple white shirt and blue shorts/skirt for their children. The second project funded by World ARC participants is the construction of a new staff house in the school grounds. This staff house will be used by the school to attract and accommodate qualified teachers who may not live locally and can also give appropriate supervision to the children during the school day.

World Cruising Club look forward to continuing the close relationship with the community of Port Resolution when the World ARC visits again in 2015.

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