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Transatlantic Sailing - What breaks and how to fix it

For 15 years, premier sailing magazine Yachting World has been publishing the largest yachting equipment survey in the world, sampling the experiences of over 250 ARC skippers with over one ocean sailing million miles between them. In 2016, the annual survey targeted the breakages and gear failures experienced by ARC crews, and how they fixed them to reach Saint Lucia safely. Covering damage to sails, rigging and power supplies, the results revealed common issues experienced by crews. On an ocean passage, gear problems can be inevitable, but breakages can spoil voyages and one of the best ways to avoid them is to learn from others mistakes.
World Cruising Club's Jeremy Wyatt talked to Toby Hodges about compiling the survey, and what the results revealed. 

The full report is published in the July edition of Yachting World Magazine, with the online summary (and loads of other ARC articles to help prepare for your crossing) available here:

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