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Haji - A Family History

The ARC+ 2017 fleet have enjoyed their first night at sea following yesterday's departure and many boats have been reflecting on yesterday's start by sending in blogs to the website. We received the following from the Nixon family on board Haji,one of the smallest boats in the fleet, for whom the start of ARC+ has been a particularly special milestone to reach for their family. Here Amy shares the story of the small boat with a big history:

"The most welcome participant this year is probably Nick Nixon of Haji, whose dramatic departure on a stretcher and ambulance in Gibraltar had many of last year's participants deeply concerned. [...] Sailing together for over 30 years, the Nixons have been living aboard Haji and cruising permanently for the last three years."

My throat tightens with emotion as I read the 1987 Yachting Monthly article, still onboard to this day. There is a small photo of Nan and Grandad, looking young, tanned, and relaxed - years before I would know them.

You see, to my Dad and me, doing the ARC+ this year means a lot more than crossing an ocean; we are making family history! 30 years ago, my Nan and Grandad took part in the 2nd ARC, sailing from Las Palmas to Bermuda in Haji, their homebuilt Rival 38. They had been enroled to do the crossing the previous year, but had to forfeit their entry due to illness. Now in 2017, same race (almost), same boat, two new generations. Even if it is all new to us, Haji will lead the way.

We were very proud (and surprised) to receive a special award from Las Palmas City Council for our family's involvment in the ARC. However, we were running late and missed the presentation. Ironic, as us Nixons are usually known for our good time keeping! As it happened, we were waiting for our provisions to be delivered, and our tardiness cost us the chance to share my grandparents' story. None the less, the rest of the family (many of whom have spent quite a bit of time sailing on Haji) were pleased to hear of our award. It will be proudly displayed alongside Haji's 1987 ARC plaque.
Participating in the ARC had been a topic of conversation between Dad and I for quite some time. Taking part thirty years after Nan and Grandad very quickly went from an idea, to a possibility, to a reality. When we finally crossed the start line, it seemed like no time had passed at all, all the talk and preparations of this last year suddenly a distant memory.
We may not be quick and streamlined, and unlike in the '87 race we are now one of the smallest boats, but we have other motives. As I sat at the bow while we crossed the start line, watching the other yachts already pulling ahead, I couldn't help but think "Nan, Grandad, this one's for you."

Sidenote: Grandad (Frank 'Nick' Nixon) turned 90 this year, and although he suffers from dementia we try to keep him updated on Haji's adventures. Nan (who was known as Sheena when she lived onboard) passed away a few years ago, but I like to think that despite her grumpy appearance, she would be secretly proud of us.

You can also visit our website:
See the 'Haji' page for more info and a video tour!
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YouTube videos can be found by searching 'Sailing SV Haji'

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