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Bluewater Cruisers' Question Time - UK

14 September 2024, Southampton, UK

A popular two-hour Q&A session featuring boat owners and crew who have sailed in the ARC, ARC+, ARC Europe, ARC Portugal or World ARC rallies.

The moderated session will cover all the key topics that should interest anyone thinking of sailing across an ocean, whether part of a rally or not. We'll talk about weather and routing, the 'right' boat, essential and luxury equipment, choosing and managing crew, and enjoying life onboard.

The skipper panel and World Cruising Club team will answer your questions and share their knowledge an experience. Panelists will have sailed across oceans in boats of all types - production family cruisers, catamarans, performance boats and specialist bluewater boats.

The programme includes time for mingling and chatting with panelists, the World Cruising Club team, marine industry experts and fellow delegates.  

Date: Saturday 14 September 2024

Time: 09:00-12:00

Where: Harbour Lights Picturehouse, Ocean Village, Southampton

Cost: Free

Register here

Topics to be covered:

  • Timeline to departure - planning, routes and timings
  • Preparing your boat for bluewater cruising
  • Bluewater equipment - communications, watermakers, power generation, sails
  • Life onboard - watch systems, sailing double-handed, selecting crew
  • Sailing with children and teens
  • The 'Atlantic circuit'
  • Circumnavigating



Bluewater Cruisers' Question Time - UK

14 September 2024, Southampton, UK

A popular two-hour Q&A session featuring real-life boat owners and crew sharing their knowledge and experience of ocean sailing.

Click here for more info...

World ARC Seminar - UK

15 September 2024, Southampton UK

Interested in sailing round the world with World ARC? Come to our free breakfast presentation to learn more about the rally and the practicalities of circumnavigating. Join us in the morning then head over to Southampton Boat Show to look at boats and equipment.

Click here for more info...

Sailing South Seminar - UK

21 September, Southampton UK

The Sailing South Seminar is ideal for anyone planning to cross the Bay of Biscay and cruise the coast of Portugal before heading to the Canary Islands or into the Mediterranean. Aimed at those considering joining ARC Portugal or ARC, but everyone is welcome.

Click here for more info...

Annapolis Sailboat Show

October 10-14, 2024. Annapolis MD, USA

Come see us on booth O28 at the fall Sailboat Show at City Dock, Annapolis. Our team are there to talk about our rallies, ocean sailing, equipping a sailboat and more. We're sharing the booth with our sister publication, the cruisers' knowledge base.

Click here for more info...

World ARC Presentation - USA

Saturday October 12, Annapolis MD

Breakfast presentation on the World ARC circumnavigation rally - route, options, boats and crew. Join us to learn more about sailing round the world with World ARC.

Click here for more info...

Sailing an Atlantic Circuit - USA

Sunday October 13, Annapolis MD

Join our breakfast seminar to answer your questions about sailing from North America for summer in Europe, and back to the Caribbean with the famous ARC rally. Or maybe you're considering buying a boat in Europe and sailing it home - plenty of people do. Click to read more...

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Ocean Sailing Weekend 2025 UK

22-23 March 2025, Guildford UK
Join us for a weekend of bluewater sailing insights, presentations by marine industry experts and experienced cruisers. Ideal for anyone taking part in the ARC or World ARC in 2025 or 2026 or simply dreaming about casting off and setting sail.
Click to read more
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Training Courses for Bluewater Cruisers

Hamble School of Yachting offer rally participants exclusive training dates and discounted prices for the ISAF Offshore Safety course, RYA Sea Survival and RYA First Aid courses.  These are highly recommended for any skippers and crew going offshore, and especially for anyone participating in or considering the ARC, ARC Portugal and World ARC.

Click here for more info...