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Indian Summer - Day 22 with Ted
We followed Teds fishing recommendations and got lucky. Two big mahi mahi, around one meter each! We could eat fish tacos and now the captain is getting better at cutting up the fish so we get more and more out of them. Ted has learnt a new table game, Bonanza, where you plant and harvest beans to get rich. Hilmer won. For several days we had a lot of wind and waves (Ted has been seasick), but now it is almost no wind or waves (safe for Ted). Now everybody is longing to come to St Lucia and walk some solid ground, but still two-three days to go.Sunshine from Indian Summer - Ted, Hampus and Hilmer.
Indian Summer - Day 13 with Ted
Ted has taken several of the night shifts the last night and is therefor really tired and has been sleeping a lot the last days. But he has joined us at school anyhow and is now through all the math of this semester. We have been unlucky lately when fishing, having several times big fish on the hook but loosing it just before we get it into the boat. Ted has recommended us to change to smaller lure, so maybe tomorrow will be a lucky day! Tonight we have a full moon (no need to worry about any warewolfs since they can`t swim) and it is bright outside. Sunshine from Indian Summer - Ted, Hampus and Hilmer.
Indian Summer - Day 9 with Ted
Early in the morning on day 9 we arrived to Cabo Verde to fix the rig issues. Already in the afternoon we could set sail again. Now we are sailing towards Santa Lucia. No one is sea sick. Sailor Ted and we have now seen Cabo Verde, or at least Mindelo...Best regards from Hilmer and Ted.
Indian Summer - Day 8 with Ted
Today the wind finally allowed us to set course towards Cap Verde, while singing the song ”Hello Africa”. Sailor Ted and I (Hilmer) have seen thousands of flying fishes around the boat.Best regards from Hilmer and Ted.
Indian Summer - Day 5 with Ted
Day 5Today Ted had a relaxing day, we finally have some wind again and are sailing! We tried to have school today but one student throw up and also Ted felt a bit seasick, so we stopped school!Ted is now looking forward to come to Cap Verde. Best regards from Hilmer, Hampus and Ted.