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Snowmane - Finding places to play hockey
Snowmane - Snowmane in Morocco
Snowmane - Dolphins on the way to Canaries
Snowmane - RE: Snowmane pictures
Snowmane - RE: Snowmane pictures
Snowmane - Snowmane pictures
Snowmane - Snowmane pictures
Papillon - Papillon getting ready for the Atlantic crossing
Papillon - Papillon getting ready for the Atlantic crossing
Papillon - Papillon getting ready for the Atlantic crossing
Papillon - Papillon getting ready for the Atlantic crossing
The crew of Papillon are now making all of the preparations needed for our Atlantic crossing. Our list of things to do is quite long and the tasks range from trivial nice-to-have items to kind-of-essential necessities. Since day one we have constantly been busy. Fixing, planning, cleaning…. Having a beer, socializing, etc (those things are important too!). Some of the tasks we have accomplished this far include; checking the rig (the mast and its parts) for damage, prepping said rig for an extra inner forestay, checking out of Europe (Yikes!) with customs, emptying, cleaning and sorting almost all cabinets in the boat, and starting to make a food provisioning plan. Other activities have including eating some food at the local sailors’ pub, attending sun-downer parties for arc-racers and.
Ingrid - Välkommen till Ingrids blogg
Välkommen till bloggen som följer Ingrid och dess besättning från Las Palmas till St Lucia och sen vidare till Grenada.Den 17 november ankommer vi 13 som tillsammans ska ta Ingrid över Atlanten och den 24 november går startskottet för ARC-racet. Under veckan som kommer ska vi förutom att bekanta oss med varandra och båten gå på spännande seminarier och framförallt proviantera.Provianteringen är ett enormt projekt och alla kommer bli involverade. Från att åka till marknaden och köpa frukt och grönsaker, åka till IKEA, åka till olika affärer, frakta mat, vatten, toalettpapper mm från kajen till båten till att individuellt tvätta och gå igenom varenda frukt och grönsak som kommer ombord (så vi inte får fripassagerare i form av kryp och mögel). Vi ska även på en.
Piropo Primero - Preparing for the Atlanting Cruise - Spiriit of Pula
Piropo Primero - Preparing for the Atlanting Cruise - Spiriit of Pula
Piropo Primero - Preparing for the Atlanting Cruise - Spiriit of Pula
Piropo Primero - Preparing for the Atlanting Cruise - Spiriit of Pula
In October, our international crew met for the first time and had an incredible introductory experience sailing a catamaran through the beautiful waters of the Mediterranean in Croatia. Our team is:Gabriel (RO)Grzegorz (PL)Piotr (PL)Richard (GB)Stan (USA/PL)Tomasz (PL)We sailed continuously for several days and nights, getting to know one another and fine-tuning our teamwork. During this time, we established all the essential details for the upcoming ARC regatta.Also we created a name for our crew - SPIRIT OF PULAWhy? because our destination point on this trip was PULA city! :-)Stay tuned for more updates soon!Tomasz.
Hello to all, We have already brought our beloved Tuvalu to Las Palmas de Gran Canarias. A trip always complicated by the conditions of the Alisios Winds in summer. At the moment we are repairing some halyards and a failure in our second autopilot. Soon we will be in Las PalmasGreetings and see you soon.
Ahìnamà - Test ARC Ahinama's blog
Mulan - arrived in Las Palmas!