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Owner Bruce Jacobs
Design Clipper 60
Length Overall 18 m 26 cm
Flag United Kingdom
Sail Number R3

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Bluejay - Blog 11/12

Wednesday 11thDecember It's two weeks today untilChristmas, not that you would really know that without looking at a calendaronboard Bluejay. Although we've played the odd Christmas tune, we're far removedfrom the commercial bright lights of the festive season, with the main focusonboard being the final 24-hour push to the finish line. Last night was atesting sail for our crew, with extremely light winds Bluejay at times wasdifficult to handle but we persevered and managed an average of 5kts boat speed.With the predicted forecast for today looking like next to no wind the thoughtof motoring the last 24 hours was beyond disappointing for all onboard. However,despite the forecast I sit here slightly heeled over for the first time inweeks, as we steam along at 8-9kts on a beam reach. After. read more...


Bluejay - Blog 10/12

Tuesday 10th DecemberBluejay is now on her final 48 hours before arrival - we can almost smell St Lucia! These last days with a lighter wind forecast its taken extra attention and focus in order to maximise speed and pointing ability. But it has still been enough wind to keep us at 6 knots with only one night watch where it dropped down to 5. With a much flatter sea state today called for another spinnaker run to make a final push with the wind that we have and we hopefully gybed for the final time this morning! I'm hoping to not need to use the engine again after our very light winds all those days ago when we were leaving Las Palmas, the lovely comfort of being in the cruising class (with time penalties!) but our forecast does show a even further drop in the wind tomorrow lunchtime-. read more...


Bluejay - Blog 08/12/24

Sunday 8thDecember It's been two weeks since twelvestrangers left the safety net of Las Palmas marina and embarked on a journey tosail 2,800 miles across the North Atlantic Ocean. Some may consider us mad, andothers adventurers, but it's safe to say each crew member has their own motivesfor pursuing such a unique challenge. For all our crew onboard Bluejay, this isthe longest any of them have spent at sea, and as a result, away from lovedones. The day-to-day routine of boat life keeps us busy - sail changes, deckchecks, meal preparation, fishing, helming and weather routing to name a few.Today saw our first head sail change in several days. The poled out yankee 2 wasreplaced with the larger yankee 1 in preparation for the upcoming lighter winds.With less than 600NM to go, we're still. read more...


Bluejay - blog 07/12

Saturday7th December It's great to see the distance onthe chart finally getting smaller and smaller - we can nearly taste the sweetrum punch of St Lucia. It's hard to believe that we have all been on board andunderway for nearly two weeks now - the days are definitely merging together. This last week has gone byextremely quickly, especially as we have been roaring along with 8-9knotsaverage and then get boosts from surfing down waves. Today however the windswere a little lower, and our boat speed back to our passage planning speed at6-7 knots - but that made another fish caught easier to reel in! This passagehas broken records for number of big fish caught and fresh fish for dinner!Definitely related to the new moon we've had - which has also given us some ofthe darkest nights I've. read more...


Bluejay - Blog 6 Dec

Friday 6thDecember Today has been a relatively quiet day on the journey towards StLucĂ­a, so let me take this opportunity to introduce you to the people onboardBluejay. We have the much talented duo of skipper Alex and 1st matePhoebe who are both experienced and reassuring on what is for the rest of us along awaited challenge - all of us are old enough to be their parents butrespect is given to these young ladies for the calm manner in which they driveus and Bluejay towards the Caribbean. First up are the new bromance pair Chrisand Mike who have a very special bond involving late night chats, gigglingwhilst cooking together, catching/filleting fish and much conversation on who isthe better helm.  Next we have thelong standing friendship pair of the girls from Yorkshire, Pennie and. read more...

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