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Frangipani - Hoping for more wind
Wind speeds between 5 and 9 knots are normally seldom to find on the Atlantic. But now we are sitting at 24°29`N and 21°50`W and hope that the clouds which are looking quite promising will eventually bring a kind breeze. Up to now it hasn't been really that bad thanks to our Germa 39. She reacts very quickly and we haven't overloaded her with fuel. Thus she returns her thanks for a little bit more wind in speeding up. If she gets an apparent wind of 7 knots she makes 4.5 kn over the ground, and when we have a breeze of 9 knots there even might appear 6 kn on the speedometer. But altogether it's rather quiet on board, so what can we do besides fishing? And what shall we do with all the fish? Perhaps we had better bought more fuel...Uli and Harry from Frangipani.
Frangipani - WG: Hoping for more wind
Wind speeds between 5 and 9 knots are normally seldom to find on theAtlantic. But now we are sitting at 24°29`N and 21°50`W and hope that theclouds which are looking quite promising will eventually bring a kindbreeze. Up to now it hasn't been really that bad thanks to our Germa 39. Shereacts very quickly and we haven't overloaded her with fuel. Thus shereturns her thanks for a little bit more wind in speeding up. If she gets anapparent wind of 7 knots she makes 4.5 kn over the ground, and when we havea breeze of 9 knots there even might appear 6 kn on the speedometer. Butaltogether it's rather quiet on board, so what can we do besides fishing?And what shall we do with all the fish? Perhaps we had better bought morefuel...Uli and Harry from Frangipani.
Frangipani - Paprika problems
Finally the wind increased on Friday and we were able to sometimes do 8-9 knots. But during the night the wind turned to N-E - not so welcome - and in addition we had a moonless night and two squalls with wind speeds between 30 and 50 kts. We managed the night reefing in and out several times. Today, Saturday we are sailing close-hauled. There are some clouds on the sky but t's quite warm. Our German 39 sails with 7-8 knots with 13-16 knots of wind from 60°. We're are very happy with that performance as her movements are quite soft although we have waves of 2 metres. But we have one big problem on board: Our paprika doesn't want to last and is overripe. Therefore we now have paprika as salad, paprika with the fish, paprika as vegetables. When we've finally eaten them all we will be.
Frangipani - FRANGIPANI: Paprika problems
Finally the wind increased on Friday and we were able to sometimes do 8-9 knots. But during the night the wind turned to N-E - not so welcome - and inaddition we had a moonless night and two squalls with wind speeds between 30and 50 kts. We managed the night reefing in and out several times. Today,Saturday we are sailing close-hauled. There are some clouds on the sky butit's quite warm. Our German 39 sails with 7-8 knots with 13-16 knots of windfrom 60°. We're are very happy with that performance as her movements arequite soft although we have waves of 2 metres. But we have one big problem on board: Our paprika doesn't want to last andis overripe. Therefore we now have paprika as salad, paprika with the fish,paprika as vegetables. When we've finally eaten them all we will be.