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Ingrid - Dag 7 - fortsättning - 1 december
Efter morgonens mysiga adventsfrukost så förberedde vi oss för skiftbyte och ändring av tidszon.Ikväll kl 20 startade vårt skiftbyte och såhär jobbar vi 6 dagar framåt:Team 1 (Herman, Britt, KG och Jörgen):00-04 och 12-16Team 2 (David, Anki, Cicci och Jonas) :16-20 och 04-08Team 3 (Nikola, Alexandra, Lea och Patrik):20-00 och 08-12Kl 16 bytte vi tidzoner och drog tillbaks klockan 2 timmar till kl 14)Kl 12.30 kom tåvlingsuppdateringen och nu ligger vi på 82:a plats och vi har 55 båtar bakom oss. Vi fortsätter jaga!!Neptuno ligger 15 platser framför oss.Vindarna ökade under eftermiddagen till över 20 knop och imorgon måndag väntar vind över 30 knop i byarna.Våra första squalls på väg inNikola såg första tecken på detta när det var fuktigt på golvet vid aktern och det inte var från vågor..
Sea Rose - Day 10 - The Big Blue Orb
I keep grabbing my phone and opening email. Im not sure why as we don’t have wifi on the boat, just a slow proprietary email service from Iridium that works with our (very dated) Iridium Go. We are disconnected from the world, save for short text-based emails from rally control, the weather service and friends that we can trust to not send us attachments or include us in long email threads that would jam up our very slow bandwidth connection. We could have installed Starlink, and plenty of other boats did, but for many reasons we took a pass on this option. It’s not often you get to choose to be disconnected for several weeks. Some day in a future ocean crossing, broadband satellite service will be so ubiquitous that most everyone will have it, like the eventual offering of wifi on.
Gertha 5 - No weed more fish
12.30n 48.10wAnother fish caught, this keeps the tins in stock.The Sargasso has done a runner after my rant a few days ago.We are promised a little more wind on Monday and Tuesday, currently we are heading a little north as the perceived wisdom is this is the way to go.Bird life has done a runnernanos gigantum humeris insidentes.
Adrienne - Advent, Advent ein Lichtlein brennt
01.12.2024 … Auf zu neuen Ufern – Tag 8 auf See…15:19 Uhr 21°37,32’N 028°43,06‘WHeute 09:50 Uhr sitzen alle gespannt in ihren Kabinen und warten…. Keiner darf heraus, bevor nicht die Glocke läutet. Was wird es wohl geben? Wie sieht der 1. Advent auf der Adrienne aus?Dann endlich, pünktlich 10:00 Uhr läutet die Schiffsglocke zum Frühstück. Wie soll ich das beschreiben? Der Tisch ist reichlich gedeckt. In der Mitte thront ein gebundener Adventskranz aus Leinen, darin stecken 4 Kerzen. Die erste Kerze kann auch gleich angezündet werden. Tanja und Thomas überwältigen uns mit einem Advents-Brunch. Links und rechts biegen sich die geschmückten Platten voller Käse, Camenbert, Emmentaler, Ziegenkäse, Serano-Schinken, Kochschinken, Salami …Es gibt selbstgemachte Pancakes, Stollen, Kekse,.
Bluejay - Blog 01/12
Sunday 1st DecemberFantastic 24 hours sailing in which we covered 191 miles. Chis declared with the biggest grin on his face that it was his best helming experience ever with the spinnaker flying ahead of him. The spinnaker came down late afternoon to be replaced by our yankee 1 and after dinner of the tuna caught on Bluejay we settled in for a good night of wind and waves. And so to happy December with Jay making the bread with a picture to prove the fact to his daughters and a change to a yankee 2 as the winds build. And so our adventure continues - Jude .
Cleone - CLEONE ARC 2024 SITREP 7
Distance MadeGood? For Cleone, every mile along the Great Circle Route is a full mile closerto Rodney Bay. And why don't we miss the Internet?Multihullers andRacing Types, particularly the multihullers and those who own yachts withswept-back spreaders, love to talk about VMG and DMG. Of course, we cruisingfolk understand (at least in theory ) exactly what these terms mean. Forinstance, as Molesworth would say, as any fule no, you cannot sail directlyinto the wind. So, when sailing towards a target that is up-wind of where youare now, the tack that gives you the better Velocity Made Good(VMG) takes youtowards your target more quickly, no, less slowly, than the opposite tack. Buteven on the tack with the better VMG, each mile travelled will only take you afraction of a mile.
Aria Legra - Half way!
Position: 13:15.2'N, 046:39.2'WHeading: 260TWind: ENE 4 to 5Sails: main 3 reef, tradewind sailWe celebrated reaching halfway with pasta in a sauce made onions, peas and smoked salmon. The salmon came in a fancy tin and was bought in Helsinki while cruising the Baltics in summer 2022. I thought back then that it would make a delicious meal mid Atlantic. That tells you how long ARC+ has been in the planning!Our stopover in Mindelo was so fun; we enjoyed meeting everyone in the fleet. We shall look forward to more stories swapping over rum punch in Grenada.Fair winds,Carol & Peter.
Arkyla - L2D10: it’s windy!
Arkyla - L2D10: changes
1st December… underwear change day!!! Admittedly we are just rotating them between us, but after two rounds of ‘inside, outside, back, then front’ a change is as good as a rest so they say!There are other more important changes to note though… notably the significant step up in the weather; Arkyla needs wind to push her sturdy-girl frame and now she has plenty of it… she is properly flying and fittingly her RAF ensign is fully horizontal powered by the 28 knot gusts. It’s not a race, but we have a few more boats in our sights, not least Carol Wu’s Aria Legra… how does that little pocket rocket Rassy go so fast???Little else to report on today, but then the ‘day ain’t over yet’….
Cara of the South - Day 7 (more..)
19:52.35N 27:14.83WWhen the world was made, I wish more colours had been used. Reds and gold, pastels and greens.Everything is blue.Look up. Blue.Look over the side of the boat. Blue.Until nightfall, when everything goes black. Very black.Yet black and blue is rather appropriate for this environment. I am writing this at an angle of about 25 degrees, and the mouse is trying to escape constantly. Worse, much worse than the angle is the sea swell, which picks Cara up like a toy and spins her to the side as well as up and down. Without warning.Humans measure distance in miles or kilometres. Sailors measure distance in nautical miles. I measure sea passages in bruises.England to the Canary Islands was a 42-bruise voyage. Portugal to the Canaries, a mere.
Snowmane - Snowmane - Day 8
It's 7am on Sunday. As of 1pm today we will have been going for one week. While the first 6 days were calm but a bit slow, as of yesterday we have been in the proper trade winds. Our speed has increased dramatically as a result. We averaged7.1 knots through the day yesterday and 6.9 through the night (we reefed the sails a bit in the night). So far this morning we are doing 7.4. The flipside of the speed is that the waves are choppier as well and fairly close together. We had a beautiful roast chicken and potato and carrot dinner last night but it wasn't really appreciated much as most people's stomach's were a littlerolly. In days 1 through 4 we saw a lot of other boats. By part way through day 5 they were all gone and we were completely alone. No boats within sight and none.
Ingrid - Dag 7 - Första Advent - 1 december
Ingrid - Dag 7 - Första Advent - 1 december
Ingrid - Dag 7 - Första Advent - 1 december
Ingrid - Dag 7 - Första Advent - 1 december
Hummingbird - hummingbird blog 1st of december
Hummingbird Blog 1 Dec 2024Happy December!The wind fairies continue to arrive and Doc is now tagged with the handle ofDouble Digit Doc as we hit 11 kts under his helming last night. The wind hasdropped off slightly in the morning and is expected to pick back up thisevening. We would prefer to be further South at this point but although the windspeed is getting to where we want it to be, the wind direction is not. We'd liketo be sailing on a compass course of around 265 deg but we currently can onlyget between 275-280 deg. The sea state has also been as bit confused over thelast twelve hours and every few waves it yaws our stern around. Veryfrustrating! This may cost us time away from sampling the first Carib beer thatwe look forward to sampling in Saint Lucia! In anticipation of the.
Frances Louise V - Frances Louise V - November 30th
96 96 November 30th was a great, proper, trade wind sailing day. Blue sky, bright sun, a few small fluffy white clouds, sparkling azure blue sea. The wind was consistently easterly and we held our direct course easily with a good wind, in the upper teens, up the chuff. It was up and down, but quite strong, and, whilst we increased and decreased furls throughout the day, we had some furls in all day. Sea state varied, and thus motion. Sometimes swell from directly behind, varying in size, but other times it was more on the quarter, sometimes a bit confused, tossing us around a bit. Never a drop of water on deck though - this is an Amel! Another good days run, of 156.3 nm, getting us 155nm closer to Grenada, at an average speed of 6.5 knots. Early in the.
Ingrid - Dag 7 - Första Advent - 1 december
Vi alla önskar er en fin första Advent!Vår morgon började med All I Want For Christmas på högsta volym.Risgrynsgröt och pepparkakor stod på frukostbänken. Alexandras mamma hade skickat med en röd miniadventsljusstqke som stod på bänken och vi gjorde ett hjärta av folie som vi lindade en ljusslinga runt som vi hängde i aktern.I natt började vi få besök av flygfiskarna som flög ända upp till styrpulpeten dit där det är 3 meter.Vi fortsätter dagen i julanda med julmusik strömmande ur högtalarna.Vi hörs senare idag och önskar er en mysig advent.The Crew of Ingrid.
Cara of the South - Day 7
20:31.42N 24:29.87WMidday Position Day 7 Saturday 30th NovemberOur boat is haunted. Lets start with a very unusual and mysterious tale. This happened a couple of nights ago. With our watch system I go to bed from 21:00 til midnight when I then go on watch for the next 3 hours. I was comfortably settled in my bunk when I rose at 21:25 and went to the companionway. I still have no idea what got me out of bed when quite rightly I should be taking the opportunity of sleep with both arms. I got to the companionway and noticed the mainsheet had slipped from its jaws and was about to go outboard to port, I went to grab the line and mainsheet when at that very moment the shackle retaining it to the traveler snapped off completely. It all happened in less than.
Gertha 5 - No weed
12.45n 45.10wSomeone has removed the sargasso stuff, yesterday it was everywhere today near none, theDuogen has pushed up the battery voltage, all is looking good in the electric department.FIsh, have had one come aboard, somebody callled MarherMarheeBig group of birds at sunset, over 100 of fulmar or something similar.One water tank down ,three to go , that without water makerKettle Mk111 handle is proving a hitnanos gigantum humeris insidentes.
Adrienne - Des Rätsels Lösung
30.11.2024 … Auf zu neuen Ufern – Tag 7 auf See…13:26 Uhr 22°16,41’N 025°38,30‘WZuerst die Auflösung: Susi ist ein Tau bzw. eine Trosse eines Schiffes vermutlich eines Trawlers. Wer hat richtig geraden? Gratulation!Heute beginnt das Wochenende. Das heißt für die Crew endlich „Schulfrei“. Heute ist wieder Wellnesstag und damit Duschen, Cremen und Entspannen erste Pflicht. Natürlich muss die Wache weiterhin die Adrienne auf Kurs halten und das Meer beobachten. Der Höhepunkt des Tages ist der aktuelle Kinofilm in Kinosaal 1 der Adrienne. Eine Erstaufführung auf dem Atlantik! Die Eintrittskarten sind gelöst und die Spannung steigt.Die Nächte werden langsam wärmer. Leider ist der Sternenhimmel zur Zeit von Wolken verdeckt. Zusätzlich ist es nachts leicht neblig. Deshalb fühlt man sich schnell.
Bluejay - Blog 30/11
Saturday 30th NovemberWell, thisis what we came for - under sail now for 44hrs consistently , the swell settled and we hoisted the spinnaker -much to Pheobe's disappointment Chris now holds Bluejays's Top speed at 11.2 knts- Catering is moving up the Michelin Star rating with Fresh Caught Mahi Salad & home baked Brownies for afternoon Tea ,a great day learning new skills with our great team - Mike.
Cleone - Cleone ARC 2024 - SITREP 6
For the firsttime since leaving Las Palmas, we have sailed every inch of the way for the last24 hours. Moreover, from Noon yesterday to Noon today we have also sailed 133miles, which is our biggest total so far.Heavyweightcruising yachts like Cleone neither accelerate easily nor do they plane or flyacross the waves. They take time to get up to speed, and because they have alarge hull, keel, skeg and rudder, there is more drag and it takes morehorsepower to keep them going. On the other hand, they take the ocean swells andwaves more easily than their lighter-weight sisters, and as the weather getsheavier they will always be more comfortable and often can cover more miles thanthe light-weights (NB: I wonder what it must be like to sail one of thosefoiling monsters presently sailing the.
Cleone - Fw: CLEONE ARC 2024 - SITREP 4
Good days are Dolphin Days, and in the Remarks Column of the 1700 hours Log Entry, it simply says 1628 St Lucia here we come...The Dolphins first presented themselves at sunrise.They popped up a hundred yards or so from Cleone, where one show-off proved to the watching Louisa how far he could jump out of the sea. A pod fifteen or so in number, they then swam alongside surfing our wake and diving beneath us before disappearing as suddenly as they had arrived. Some say that dolphins are territorial and are simply escorting passing vessels safely through their bit of the ocean. I know not whether this has any scientific basis, but dolphins always seem to be full of infectious joy. We are always glad to see them and feel their presence portends a good day.One of the excellent seminars in Las.
Ingrid - Dag 5 fortsättning och Dag 6 - Gott och blandat 29/30 november
Mischievous - Mischievous Fifth day at sea
This is our fifth full day at sea. We had a bit more wind and sailed 148 nautical miles over 24 hours We have sailed 870 nautical miles or 1001 statute miles . We have seen a lot of flying fish lately . The boat scares them and they jump out of the water and “fly” several 100 feet away and disappear into the water . One of these fish got confused and jumped on the boat last night . More updates tomorrow.
Mischievous - Mischievous Fifth day at sea
Ingrid - Dag 5 fortsättning och Dag 6 - Gott och blandat 29/30 november
Ingrid - Dag 5 fortsättning och Dag 6 - Gott och blandat 29/30 november
Ingrid - Dag 5 fortsättning och Dag 6 - Gott och blandat 29/30 november
Cara of the South - Day 6 (more)
20:23.89N 24:57.92W Saturday 30th NovemberMy plums are hard. I think that's good, but I don't want Gary to go near them.You see, on day one, the Skipper tried to make me Coffee Captain. I told him that his coffee is far superior to anything I could do. So far, my little ruse seems to be working, and he's offering coffees all day long.Then he made me Captain of Waste Management. But to his annoyance, I actually quite like this role; more on this another time.Yesterday, I appointed myself as Captain of fresh fruit and vegetables. Sadly, this role will not last long. We already threw carrots over the side because they went mouldy as soon as we left Las Palmas. Today, many black bananas suffered the same fate. I felt a brief sense of guilt because I had .
Ingrid - Dag 5 fortsättning och Dag 6 - Gott och blandat 29/30 november
Arkyla - L2D9: Halfway
No going back now if we’ve forgotten something in Mindelo… at 1096 nm we have crashed through the halfway point!Despite their mutinous composure, the crew were rewarded with a tot of rum, and our teetotaller donated his to Neptune; however, maybe we should have dedicated my finest bottle of Dominica to Poseidon instead, as Neptune has so far only blessed us with a measly 12 knots of finicky easterly and slapping headsails! Our charge westward is temporarily on hold. All that aside, my scurrilous and scurvied shipmates have voiced great delight at my instigation of this old naval grog tradition and have demanded more of the same… keen to please, I have scheduled in keel-hauling and a cat o’ nine tails for tomorrow’s retro-themed entertainment!Arkyla has had a bit of a lonely time so far.
Ingrid - Dag 5 fortsättning och Dag 6 - Gott och blandat 29/30 november
Fredagen var vårt sämsta dygn hittills pga dålig vind och ingen Gennaker.Enligt forecast tuffar vi på mot bättre vindar och förväntar oss över 20 + nots.Vi fortsätter väst och så fort vindarna kommer går vi sydväst mot St Lucia.Enligt Nikola är det rätt kallt på Atlanten för att vara denna tiden på året. Det beror på det stora lågtryck som gav norra Europa snö. Vindar från norr är kalla. Men det går ingen nöd på oss då vi går omkring i shorts och T-shirt och på natten har vi underställ och seglarbyxor och fryser inte.Runt den 5 december väntar varmare väder och då runt 30 grader!Vi åt en underbar lunch i solen på vår härliga flybridge. Team 1 hade fixat smarriga tonfiskwraps. Till middag hade Alexandra lagat lasagne som vi åt vid vårt stora bord som rymmer alla oss tolv.Efter middagen.
Sea Rose - Day 9 - Spicy on the way to the Spice Islands
It’s getting a bit spicy. Last night the winds gusted high enough for us to do a cautionary douse of the asymmetrical. We poled out the genoa for a more stable wing and wing arrangement and it has served us well into this morning, Day 9. The surface of the water speaks ‘confused sea’ all over it, with residual northwest swell combined with new short period breaking waves from the east. In the midst are large round clumps of sargasso weed the size of a big car plus long drawn out lines of the weed like lane markers on an expressway. And express it is. We are doing all the speed we are comfortable showing without risking broken gear. Two boats crossed in front of us on a broad reach, presumably planning to gybe downwind but we are comfortable pointing right to Grenada. It’s not obvious if.
Charisma - 5 Tage auf See
Die ersten Tage nach dem Start zur ARC 2024 stehen wie erwartet unter dem Einfluss einer instabilen Wetterlage. Die erste Aufgabe ist, sich aus den lokalen Windbedingungen rund um die Kanarischen Inseln freizusegeln. Der Windschattens der Kanarischen Inseln zieht sich weit hinaus - wir wollen ihn östlich passieren. Nach unseren Wetterinformationen sind die besten Windbedingungen mit südwestlichen Kurs zu erwarten – so folgen wir der erfahrungsgemäß windsichersten Route, parallel westlich zur Westküste Afrikas.Strom & leichter WindAuf dieser Route profitieren wir zudem von dem nach SW setzenden Kanarenstrom, der uns als Oberflächenströmung des östlichen Nordatlantiks mit bis zu 1 kn begünstigt. Bei der durch geringes Luftdruckgefälle getragenen Wetterlage erfordert das konsequente.
Charisma - 5 Tage auf See
Charisma - 5 Tage auf See
Charisma - 5 Tage auf See
Hummingbird - hummingbird blog 30 november 2024
Hummingbird Blog - 30 Nov 2024The wind haspicked up and we have been enjoying some lovely sailing overnight and thismorning scooting along under staysail and yankee 1 averaging 7/8 knots. Exactlythe sailing we've been looking forward to under the constant heat of the sun.Life onboard hassettled into a great routine with everyone easing into their watches andhopefully our Skipper and Mate seeing improvement in our collective skills andteam work!Our fishingendeavours continue under Doc and Ken's rig although we've had to resort to fishactually throwing themselves onboard with the Flying Fish found during thismorning's deck check.We're certainlyeating well with every mothers' watch producing new and delicious dishes. Lastnight Craig and El produced the most enormous vegetable chilli which.
Frances Louise V - Frances Louise V - November 29th 2024
96 November 29th was the most wonderful sailing day. Early on the wind settled from a more easterly direction. We were soon on course and able to change the auto pilot setting to course, not wind, and keep it that way. Our latitude stayed more or less consistent all day at 13 degrees 07 north. Point Saline on Grenada is 12.00N. The sky was blue, with fluffy white clouds. A few birds circled around us. The sea state became a noticeable rolling swell from behind. The wind averaged 17 knots all morning, a little less in the afternoon, and then 18 to 20, gusting at 24 knots, overnight. So we had at least one reef in for most of the day and more at night. Of course we are sailing in the apparent wind so the reality is a lot less than this. Even.
Cara of the South - Day 6
21:42.11N 27:43.94WMidday Position Day 6 Friday 29th NovemberOur oven is broken. No surprise there as its a Taylors paraffin stove from 1875 most likely. In Las Palmas it was given a full loving service, all burners and jets cleared and cleaned, it was tested daily and worked to perfection but I assure you, you can never ever trust these devices. Just before David started cooking the probably delicious vacuum packed burgers I thought I'd test it again and sure enough it burned perfectly. I gave David the thumbs up and he dutifully chopped the onions and garlic leaving me salivating on deck looking forward to the best burgers in the east Atlantic.Once he was ready to start cooking I went down to light the stove again and sure enough there was.
Gertha 5 - Weed
13.00n43.00wThe war of the worlds has nothing on the Sargasso, the stuff is taking over the Atlantic, give it another 20 years and you will be able to walk coast to coast.The Duogen, the trusty battery charger I have used for 20 years is close to unusable, the weed blocks the propeller, I lift it to clear and the sequence goes on nearly every minute.We will burning hydrocarbon to sustain the boat in electric, the Hydrovane and additional PV solar are our best investment, what will the pacific bring.No great highlight today, kettle has had a mk11 tweak, jib has had some protection from lifeline, doctor stroke nurse tried a little ear work on Ed.More fish needed, or it is tins tomorrow nanos gigantum humeris insidentes.
Arkyla - L2D8: tomorrow is half-way day!
Adrienne - Seeungeheuer voraus
29.11.2024 … Auf zu neuen Ufern – Tag 6 auf See…18:32 Uhr 22°31,91’N 023°50,39‘WWir haben Susi gefangen. Sie ist 8 m lang und 30 cm stark. Sie hat es auf unsere Schiffsschraube abgesehen. Tanja unsere Skipperin springt bewaffnet über Bord und kämpft tapfer gegen sie.Mit größter Kraftanstrengung wird Susi an Bord gezogen. Was tun mit Susi? Sie ist zu groß zum Transportieren. Keiner möchte Susi essen. Ein paar Teile sollen verarbeitet werden. Susi muss schließlich zurück ins Meer.Eine Frage an unsere Fans: Wer oder was ist Susi? Eine Seeschlange? Eine Auflösung folgt morgen.Nachmittags beschäftigen wir uns wieder mit Astronavigation. Langsam lichten sich die dunklen Wolken im Kopf der Crew. Es werden wieder diverse Bücher und deren Tabellen gewälzt. Mit Stift, Papier und Kopfrechnen.