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Air Power - Feb 22

After approximately 100 hours of motoring, we are finally sailing and pointing toward the Marquesas Islands. The GRIB files did not look promising, until we passed through 5 degrees South latitude and west of the 94 degree line West longitude.

There is one thing to be said for motoring in glassy seas, the boat rides flat and stable. It was like being on a lake for the first 4 days. Now we get the up and down, back and forth motion that 13 knots of wind provide. Waves generally run 45 degrees off the wind line. So, they push you along at a bit of an angle.

The moon also returned and is actually up at night, as opposed to during the day. What a novelty. Lately we have to rely on the radar to avoid colliding with any unknown obstacle. If the radar ever picks up a sleeping whale, we'll be sure to take a picture of the radar screen. At least for now, the moon rises later and gets bigger each night. We should be enjoying this natural night vision for the next couple of weeks.

Dave & Jill

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