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Lancelot II - Lancelot II - Day three at sea

Date: 29th Nov 2012
Time: 09:45 UTC
Position: 23 37.318N 22 39.738W
SOG: 7.5 knots
COG: 247 approx
Weather: Fine, some high cloud.  The odd grey cloud developing as the day goes on.
Wind NW 20 knots 100M
Hello all
Last evening we had diner together at the switch between the daytime and night time watches.
The watch before that Oscar, John and Ryan enjoyed themselves making lots of pictures helming the boat right on the surf of the 12 to 15 ft waves.
After that it became a bit of an eventful night really, with the notable bits being breakages of gear.
Overnight round 2115h UT we were goose winged, with spinnaker pole & jib to port.  The car slider (a bronze casting) snapped.During the shenanigans following the car break, we also lost a horseshoe off the stern rail into the following sea.  It was sobering to see just how long the light stayed in sight.  Less than three minutes before we could see no trace.
We had to wait for daylight in order to rig a replacement of some sort. Exactly what will depend on Jacko’s ingenuity. Currently we are sailing as deep as we can on port tack whilst he and Oscar knit a replacement from Dynema rope, straps and an old mainsail gooseneck.
At this moment, 1125h UT we have set the pole again and sail goose winged with a heading of 255 ‘M. As the wind has dropped from the 25 – 30 kts range we have been used to, till around 20 we unreefed to full main. 
On the positive side, weather has improved considerably.After days and nights with lots of showers and fully clouded skies.  It’s T shirts and shorts weather this morning we had sun. Now it’s gone very cloudy again. Temperatures are fine but more sun is very welcome. Also to get the wet clothing dry which is at all places in the cabin. It would be nice to get rid of the wet weather gear and live in shorts and shirts as it ought to be on the ARC.
Neil is making a late breakfast or early lunch. Some fried eggs with bacon. Some of the guys eat them with the pasta remains of yesterday.
Life has settled down to a nice routine, with three hour night watches and four hour day watches.
2300 miles to go
From all the crew – Jacko, Sam, Ryan, Oscar, John, Neil, Pete, Jack
John says thanks for the messages from home Smile  As for the rest of us – please feel free to send some!!
Andy B – there are a number of crimes that Trasher ( aka John ) is being blamed – more to follow on these in due course !!!!


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