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Bristolian - Day 15: So Long, Farewell, Auf Weidersein, Goodbye

Ahoy hoy

Touch wood laminate look-alike, we should be in Rodney Bay tomorrow morning most likely around 9 - hurrah!  Go North Paddy will be the sweepstake winner, pirate tattoos and ship polo shirts will be worn, and much champagne quaffed.  Most of us will be meeting up with our loved ones, the voluntary alcohol ban will be lifted and much merriment will follow.

The past 24 hours have chugged by with many doing the mental equivalent of Alex Ferguson looking at his watch deep into injury time.  I suspect the next hours  will be quite similar until we see land tomorrow.

Mr Big busied himself in the galley this morning cooking a serious breakfast for us all, which went down very well. All the pre cooked meals have now gone so tonight the crew will be spoilt with sausages and beans.

Its certainly been an experience for us all, only Commodore Ken and Tricky Dickie had done ocean sailing before,  and two weeks cooped up with a bunch of people, some of whom you don't know from Adam, could go very wrong, but I don't think that's happened, and everyone has had a terrific  time. Thats not to say  that we aren't all excited about tomorrow of course.

The jib is doing its darndest to make up for our loss of big flappy thing, and we are (I think) maintaining a decent position in the race - considering our lack of race  experience and in depth knowledge of sailing Bristolian in different conditions.

Its unlikely I'll post tomorrow, so thanks for reading these, hope they have entertained you, and toodlepip

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