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Altair - Altair's Refit activity
Altair’s re-fit is well under way, sails off to the sailmaker for inspections and repairs, mast will be pulled Monday, July 11 for rig inspection, rebuild and service of the Harken Bat Car system and anything else. The engine will be pulled for major service including honing the cylinders, new rings and anything else that may be needed.August, crew members Barbara and Jeff are taking sailing lessons with J-World of Annapolis. We will be put everything Altair back together and breaking in the rebuilt engine. Also the220V 50 Hz Battery charge system will be installed along with the reconfiguration of the inverters to support handle the hot water heater and air-conditioningSeptember and October are for sailing and system checkout. Capt. Joseph W. Reeds/v Altair.
Altair - Altair's lesson learned from the ARC USA
The 2016 ACR USA provided some insight into being prepared and having spares. In past I have operated that the Tri-Color Light was my primary navigation light system and my Navigation light were my backup. We left Tortola, BVI with all lights working. The second day out the tri-light failed so per plan we switched to the Nav lights. A week later we lost the green and stern nav lights. The quick work around was since we were motoring was to turn off the steaming light and turn on the anchor light. This gave us an all round white, equal to a steaming light and stern light.Researched revealed that all the led light that fail were original to the boat, 2003. The red had been replace several years ago. Preparing for the 2017 World ARC, I will be replacing both Navigation light systems.
Altair - Altair - Preps in Annapolis
The Caribbean 1500 begins in less than two months and I have spent the summer doing repairs, maintenance and upgraded on Altair in preparation for the rally. MOM-8 service and re-certified, sails washed, inspected and repairs, new flares for the ones that will expire before next May and finding crew.Both Karina and Free Spirit are here in Annapolis. Mike and Andrea on Free Spirit are heading to Hampton shortly and Anne and Mile on Karina will probably head to Portsmouth, VA around the same time as Altair.I’ll be sailing Altair on the Chesapeake out of Annapolis between now and the Annapolis Sailboat show Oct. 9 thru 12. Two of my crew members, Tom & Joel, both have done the Caribbean 1500 on Keep It Simple, will spend time on Altair before I head to Portsmouth. Phil, a new crew.