"Landfall in the Marquesas: Discovering the Magic of Hiva Oa". 29/03/2025
Departure Day could not have been any better: Clear blue sky, sunshine, and a light breeze were awaiting the fleet at their midday start for the 4th leg of their circumnavigation. This Leg was over 3000 nautical miles long and led from Galapagos to the island of Hiva Oa in the Marquesas – French Polynesia. A dream destination for every cruising sailor. With its towering backdrop of forested mountains, peppered with palm trees, flowering shrubs, and houses, the anchorage at Atuona on Hiva Oa is a stunning place to make landfall after a few weeks at sea. But first, you will need to get there…. Most of the fleet needed another two days of motor sailing further south until they reached the Tradewinds – a band of stable winds, north and south of the equator, which has already been used by...
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