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"Landfall in the Marquesas: Discovering the Magic of Hiva Oa". 29/03/2025

Departure Day could not have been any better: Clear blue sky, sunshine, and a light breeze were awaiting the fleet at their midday start for the 4th leg of their circumnavigation. This Leg was over 3000 nautical miles long and led from Galapagos to the island of Hiva Oa in the Marquesas – French Polynesia. A dream destination for every cruising sailor. With its towering backdrop of forested mountains, peppered with palm trees, flowering shrubs, and houses, the anchorage at Atuona on Hiva Oa is a stunning place to make landfall after a few weeks at sea. But first, you will need to get there…. Most of the fleet needed another two days of motor sailing further south until they reached the Tradewinds – a band of stable winds, north and south of the equator, which has already been used by... Click here for more info..

World ARC are in the “Spice Isle” . 27/03/2025

Located in the eastern Caribbean Sea Grenada is full of spice, rum and wonderfully warm welcomes. Arriving into Camper & Nicholsons Port... Click here for more info..

Adventures & Carnival in Brazil. 07/03/2025

World ARC 2024-25 start from Recife was under wetter skies than hopped but this did not dampen any spirits from the crews onboard who have... Click here for more info..

From Doldrums to Delights: World ARC 2025-26 in the Galapagos. 27/02/2025

The World ARC 2025- 26 fleet is slowly gathering in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz. For most of the sailors, after arriving in San Christobal and... Click here for more info..

World ARC 2025 - 26: Panama - Connecting two oceans. 13/02/2025

Panama - Connecting two oceans   Yesterday afternoon the starting signal for the third leg of World ARC 2025 - 26 echoed through the... Click here for more info..

World ARC 2025 - 26: A visit to the Embera Indian Village in Panama. 02/02/2025

Yesterday, World ARC rally participants had an amazing day out, visiting the indigenous Embera Indians. Their village is located deep... Click here for more info..

Great Prizegiving in Santa Marta for World ARC 2025. 21/01/2025

The time in Santa Marta seemed to fly by, many happy memories were made and everyone had a great time. Yesterday the prizegiving ceremony... Click here for more info..

The Dramatic Desert Scenes of Namibia. 20/01/2025

With its dramatic landscapes and abundance of wildlife both on land and at sea, Namibia has proved to be very popular with all the... Click here for more info..

An exciting week ahead in Santa Marta. 17/01/2025

After a couple of packed days with arrivals in IGY Santa Marta, Colombia, the programme kicked off this morning with a tour to a coffee farm... Click here for more info..

Sailing Away. 11/01/2025

What a fantastic day for the beginning of the World ARC 2025-26 Rally! A circumnavigation lasting 15 months and the opportunity for the... Click here for more info..

Thank You Cape Town!. 11/01/2025

Under blue skies and the magnificent Table Mountain in the background, the World ARC 2024-25 fleet gathered in Table Bay for the start of... Click here for more info..

Thank You Zululand Yacht Club. 21/11/2024

Zululand Yacht Club has been home to the World ARC fleet over the last week. It is with huge thanks to the Adminitration Team, Committee and... Click here for more info..

Thrill Seeking Adventures in Reunion Island. 06/11/2024

The overnight sail form Mauritius to Reunion Island was blessed by the weather gods. Once cleared off the land, a south westerly 15-20kts... Click here for more info..

Mauritius is a Star in the Indian Ocean. 29/10/2024

Known as the star in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius has proved once again to be a memorable stop for the World ARC fleet. Greeted by the... Click here for more info..

The Idyllic Waters of Cocos Keeling . 07/10/2024

Following a 3 to 4-day sail from Christmas Island the fleet arrived at a very different set of islands, Cocos Keeling. Being an atoll that... Click here for more info..

Memorable Gifts from Christmas Island . 30/09/2024

Within an area of just 52 square miles (135 square km) and shaped like a terrier dog, Christmas Island has provided the fleet with many... Click here for more info..

The Indonesian Island of Lombok. 21/09/2024

With beaming smiles and an attitude of ‘nothing is too much trouble’, the fleet have been warmly welcomed throughout their stay in Lombok.... Click here for more info..

World ARC 2024-25 - Thank you & Farewell Australia. 10/09/2024

Today, Tuesday 10 September, saw the start of World ARC 2024-25 Leg 9 - northern Australia to Indonesia. With easy wind conditions on the... Click here for more info..

Making Memories In Mackay. 27/07/2024

13 boats set off from Vanuatu, heading across the Coral Sea, on the final leg of their Pacific Ocean crossing. Their destination was Mackay... Click here for more info..

Unforgettable Adventures in Vanuatu. 15/07/2024

12 boats in the World ARC fleet made the trip to Port Resolution Bay, which is located on the east coast of Tanna, one of Vanuatu's southern... Click here for more info..