The ARC is a ‘must do’ for many sailors, and attracts over 200 boats and 1200 people every year to sail 2700 NM across the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to Saint Lucia.
The ARC is for everyone; families with children, tough racers, cruising couples, big boats and modest boats. Crossing the Atlantic together, but having their own adventures. More than just a boat race, the ARC is about friendships made ashore in the two weeks of pre-departure activities continued over the radio net at sea. It’s about arriving in Saint Lucia to be met on the dock with a rum punch and a chilled beer, knowing you have achieved something fantastic - crossing an ocean on a small sailboat.
“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you and your team for a great event, and most probably one of the best experiences of my life” Max Klink, yacht Caro (GER)
Welcome to Saint Lucia ARC 2024!.
Welcome to Saint Lucia!First to finish on Friday 6 December was the largest boat in ARC 2024, the Southern Wind 105GT No Rush (IMN), owned by Ghada Barsoum and skippered by Diogo Cayolla. Diogo explained, “We played it safe, we didn’t want to risk any damage. We just wanted to cross and have a good experience.” Despite the careful sail plan, the top speed was 22.6 knots; “It’s a lot” added...
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Inspirational Transatlantic Journeys.
The ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) is not just a challenging ocean crossing, but also an opportunity for sailors to raise awareness and support for important causes. The inspiring crews of three yachts in the 140-strong ARC 2024 fleet are demonstrating that the spirit of adventure extends far beyond the open sea, making a lasting and meaningful impact for those in need.Kari of...
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Karolina Viking - rescue at sea.
Cinderella to the rescueCongratulations to the great seamanship of Gerald Smith and his crew on the Jongert 20DS Cinderella di Sanremo, who rescued the crew of the Leopard 45 catamaran Karolina Viking when it started sinking on Monday.Johan and Hana Skold's catamaran began taking on water late on Sunday leading to a Mayday call at 03:00 UTC on Monday morning.Karolina's crew beleived they could...
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Adrienne - Last entry
12.2024 … Auf zu neuen Ufern – St. Lucia,Nachtrag:…. Heute mussten wir erstaunt feststellen, dass wir eine 8 Person an Bord haben. Vielleicht hat er sich zwischen Kartoffeln und Rüben versteckt. Oder er lag die gesamte Zeit im Rumkeller. Wir wissen
Cleone - ARC SITREP 23
WE ARRIVED IN RODNEY BAY ST LUCIA AT 0000 UTC, all welland love and best wishes to you all! Rum punches were well received. James, Francesca, Louisa,Kaya
Cleone - ARC 2024 SITREP 22
At 1623HRS UTCcame the longed-for hail of Land Ho! As he heard the answering cry from thehelmsman on deck, there was a break in the voice of the Lookout, perchedprecariously in the Crow's Nest near the top of Cleone's graceful (he meanschunky
Cleone - CLEONE ARC 2024 SITREP 21
Today was a dayof proper Trade Wind sailing. I almost wroteperfect. The perfect day would have been with steady wind, full sails and 6knots on the clock leaving us 144 miles closer to St Lucia. As it was, we had aday's run of 122 miles, which
Adrienne - Angekommen!!! Final Destination St.Lucia
13.12.2024 … Auf zu neuen Ufern – Tag 20 auf See…10:47 Uhr Ortszeit im Ziel !!!; knapp über 19 Tage; mehr als 5200 kmDie letzte Nacht auf See.Der Nachthimmel scheint nochmal alle Reserven zu mobilisieren und schenkt uns einen wunderschönen Blick