Cruise in company from the Caribbean or USA to Marina de Lagos in southern Portugal. Explore the Atlantic islands of Bermuda and the Azores with friends.
More than just a trans-ocean delivery, ARC Europe is a convivial way to start a European adventure or to end a Caribbean season. The rally has two starts; From St Maarten or the US East Coast with online support; with the two fleets meeting in Bermuda. Then on to cruise the Azores, seeing bull running, flowers, traditional buildings and spectacular scenery before the final voyage to Europe.
Our team are with you in every port, helping you make the most of your time ashore with parties and tours, advice and support.
“It has been a lot of fun to cruise the Azores in the company of other ARC Europe boats”
Farewell Celebrations in Lagos for ARC Europe 2024.
Enjoying a beautiful evening at Ins Tinto restaurant hosted by Marina de Lagos, ARC Europe 2024 participants were welcomed with drinks on the terrace followed by a traditional Portuguese menu. Celebrating their Atlantic crossing form west to east covering an average route of 3,890 NM it was a fitting end to a phenomenal achievement.In recognition of their arrival into Lagos each boat received a...
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ARC Europe 2024 Start in Ponta Delgada Leg 3.
It was start day today for ARC Europe 2024 in Ponta Delgada. This is the third and final leg for the rally which will take them from the Azores to Lagos in southern Portugal covering a route of 875 NM. 21 boats crossed the line at midday, 14 June 2024. With ideal sea and wind conditions, 12-15 kts, the fleet were keen to make passage eastward. On a port tack, it was the sleek bow of Hanse...
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ARC Europe Prizegiving in Ponta Delgada.
It was Prizegiving night for the ARC Europe fleet in Ponta Delgada on the island of São Miguel. To rapturous applause the awards were read out by Event Manager, Andrew Pickersgill, and presented by Marina Manager, Victoria Nunes, assisted by Isabel who has welcomed all the boats into the marina office. The 1900 NM crossing from St Georges, Bermuda to Horta, Azores, Leg 2 of the rally, met with...
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Epiphany - Day 5
Weather is as forecast. 20-25kts steady from the W. 3m swell. So we are rocking and rolling but making excellent speed towards Portugal. The only challenge is to keep an eye out for squalls. We missed one today and got soaked while we quickly
Epiphany - Day 4
Conditions couldn’t be much better, a nice wind, ok swell, suns out and it’s not too hot. While I am not taking anything for granted I am very relaxed considering we are still hundreds of miles from land. It’s really a result of little by little.
Epiphany - Day 3
Lovely conditions today, finally some downwind sailing on our return to Europe. 15-20kts from the West, we are set up wing on wing and moving along nicely at 6-7knots. This wind is due to remain for a few days which will take us almost to Lagos. We
Epiphany - Day 1
Coming to the end of day 1. The weather so far is much simpler than the previous passage. There is a high pressure centred roughly over the Azores. Yes finally the Azores high is in place! This means we have nice winds to take us over to
Epiphany - Departure day
It was a wonderful start. 10-15kts with and occasional gust to 20. Lovely sunny day and all away safely on our way to Lagos.image0image1image2image3
Thank you for a fantastic event. It was the first time we partook in an ARC event and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We would particularly like to complement World Cruising on the team they had in place at Nanny Cay, Bermuda and the Azores. Lyall, Kieran and Nick were exceptionally professional, unbelievably pleasant despite having numerous yachts demanding various things from them. They always had a smile and were always willing to help irrespective of the time of day or weather conditions - which we can personally vouch for following our arrival into Horta.
Brian and Loretto Linehan, sy Asteroid 2012
I can't tell you enough what a wonderful trip we have had. Your whole team has done such an amazing job.
Ed Polner, Principle Interest (USA)
First Aid and Medical at Sea
What's your plan if you have an injury or illness onboard? Serious problems are thankfully rare, especially if the skipper and crew try to reduce risk by sailing sensibly and taking basic precautions. Watch our interviews with sailor and medical doctor Spike Briggs for top tips....
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